Overcoming Fear of Flying with Hypnosis


David, a 35-year-old software engineer, had struggled with a debilitating fear of flying for over a decade. His fear stemmed from a turbulent flight he experienced at the age of 22, which left him with severe anxiety about air travel. Despite his successful career and a supportive family, David’s fear severely restricted his ability to travel for both work and leisure.… Read the rest “Overcoming Fear of Flying with Hypnosis”

The Enduring Power of Passion – with Sheila Granger

Sheila Granger

Passion is more than just a buzzword. It’s the fuel that powers long-term success and fulfilment in any profession. In the world of hypnotherapy, where practitioners dedicate their lives to helping others achieve personal breakthroughs, passion is a vital component that not only sustains practitioners over the years but also enhances the impact of their work.… Read the rest “The Enduring Power of Passion – with Sheila Granger”

Den Clare: man of spirit

The article “Den Clare: man of spirit” appeared in Island Life magazine in 2015, and is an overview of Den’s remarkable life and work. 

“Writing a CV for Den Clare would pose an interesting challenge: he’s been a banker, a policeman, a bookkeeper and a shop owner. He’s fascinated by spiritual matters and the power of the mind, and is well-known and highly regarded as a hypnotherapist.”… Read the rest “Den Clare: man of spirit”

Isle of Wight hypnotherapist Den Clare celebrates 40th year

Den Clare

The Isle of Wight County Press reports on Dens’ forty years as a hypnotherapist.

THE Isle of Wight’s Den Clare has celebrated his 40th year as a practising hypnotherapist on the Island.

Now semi-retired, Den says Covid-19 has made us all review our lives and make necessary adjustments to our living styles.… Read the rest “Isle of Wight hypnotherapist Den Clare celebrates 40th year”