
In my work as a Hypnotherapist one of my main aims is to dispel the fears that surround hypnosis and to counteract the many misconceptions connected with this fascinating subject.

Talks, presentations and demonstrations are the best way to achieve this aim.

These are a few of the groups and organisations that I have made presentations to:-

Arthur Findlay College, Essex
Grayshot Hall Health Hydro, Surrey
National Association of Theatre Nurses, St. Mary’s Hospital
Ryde Health Clinic
Heart care club at St. Mary’s Hospital Newport
The Portsmouth Temple
Isle of Wight Radio
Radio Solent with Bill Buckley
Wight FM
Medina High School
Cowes High School
Womens Institute
Isle of Wight College
Round Table
41 Club
The Heights
Young Wives Group
Widows and Widowers Association
Young Farmers
Isle of Wight Vegetarian Society
Cliff Tops ISF
Townswomen’s Guilds
Rotary Clubs
Housewife’s Register Group

I am available for talks and seminars time permitting