Fear of Flying

Where so many people fly regularly the fear of flying is now a more commonly noticed fear or phobia. Whilst fear can be a naturally protective experience, once the feelings control you, that is a phobia. A phobia is a conditioned response which takes a stronger hold each time it is repeated or experienced. It is a response which can be “relearned” and eliminated with hypnotherapy.… Read the rest “Fear of Flying”

Huge weight loss success

She could hardly fit in my chair! After filling in the intake form I need not have asked her the reason for her visit, twenty and half stone spoke for itself! Lank hair, pallid skin, depressive attitude and stance, classic hiding behind rolls and rolls of excess, life threatening FAT!

I explain how hypnosis works, take full details and case history of her reasons for wanting to lose weight and make sure the relaxing, reclining chair can take the weight.… Read the rest “Huge weight loss success”

Hypno sport

I have over the years dealt with many sports competitors wishing to improve their performance, as do many of the leading players in football, golf, badminton, and weight lifting to mention a few.

For years coaches concentrated only on the physical side of sport and neglected the crucial role played by the individual psyche during a sporting contest.… Read the rest “Hypno sport”

Secret of Russell’s Entrancing Dancing

Russell forgets his injuries last night after a session with Nureyev’s ‘mind doctor

The Express – Sunday October 16,2011
By David Stephenson

RUSSELL Grant has been hypnotised to stop him thinking about his bad hip which almost made him quit Strictly Come Dancing.

The popular astrologer called in Texan Richard Bandler, world-renowned neurolinguistic programmer, who once worked with ballet star Rudolf Nureyev.… Read the rest “Secret of Russell’s Entrancing Dancing”

One of the worst smokers ever!

James sounded a reluctant stopper as he ‘phoned to enquire as to the process for stopping smoking. 69 years old, he was smoking a scary 100 cigarettes a day and had been told by his Doctor to stop in preparation for an operation in two months time.

As always, I need the assurance that the client really wants to stop and is not being “nagged” by the other half, or family!… Read the rest “One of the worst smokers ever!”

Be happy- continued

Be happy   

Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is truly wonderful and can be extremely good for your health. Being happy really protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and strokes. One of the truest things ever said is –   

    The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change

and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to.… Read the rest “Be happy- continued”